Whether and how much of the costs of a medication or dressing are covered by TK depends on various factors. You will usually have to make a co-payment.
More details
Our contribution depends on factors such as:
- whether the medication or dressing is prescription-only or non-prescription.
- whether a fixed amount has been set for the medication or dressing.
Fixed amounts are only set for medication that you can get in the same or similar quality as a more expensive preparation. In most cases, these are so-called generics, i.e., low-priced drugs with proven active ingredients whose patent protection has expired.
Prescription-only medication
We contribute to the costs of prescription-only medication. In such cases, your doctor has issued you a statutory health insurance covered prescription as an ePrescription or, in exceptional cases, as a pink paper copy. You are usually required to make a co-payment.
If there is no fixed amount for the medication, we will cover the full cost. If there is a fixed amount, we will pay the costs up to this amount. The co-payment is deducted in both cases. Depending on the difference between the fixed amount and the retail price, you may have to pay these additional costs as well as your co-payment.
What is the co-payment?
If you are 18 years old or older, you have to pay 10 per cent of the pharmacy dispensing price. You pay a minimum of 5 EUR and a maximum of 10 EUR, but never more than the cost of the medication itself.
Non-prescription medication
TK may not contribute to the costs of non-prescription medication, otherwise known as over-the-counter (OTC) medication. This is also the case even if it has been prescribed by a doctor.
However, there are exceptions where TK may cover the costs of OTC medication issued as a statutory health insurance covered prescription (ePrescription or a pink paper prescription).
- Children under the age of 12 and adolescents under 18 who have developmental disorders.
- When the medication forms part of the standard treatment for serious illnesses, e.g., acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) for the treatment of heart attacks and strokes or after vascular surgery.
Click on the complete list of exceptions for details in German of medication which TK may cover.