Liable for content 
Techniker Krankenkasse
Bramfelder Straße 140
22305 Hamburg

TK ServiceTeam:
Phone number: +49 40 - 46 06 62 300


TK Customer Support near you:
TK office locator

Techniker Krankenkasse is a self-managed corporation under public law.

Managing Board
Chairman of the Board: Dr Jens Baas
Deputy Chairman of the Board: Thomas Ballast
Member of the Managing Board: Karen Walkenhorst

Supervisory Board
Dominik Kruchen, Dieter F. Märtens (alternating chairmen)

Bundesamt für Soziale Sicherung [German Federal (Social) Insurance Office]
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 38
53113 Bonn

Value added tax identification number
DE 811 313 100

IK-Nummer [Institutional ID]
101 575 519

Information on the brokerage of supplementary insurance pursuant to Section 194 Par. 1a of SGB V [German Social Security Code]:
Insurance brokers register:
Registration number: D-U2SS-UFH3Y-54

Permit pursuant to Section 34d Par. 4 GewO [German Industrial Code]; competent authority:
Handelskammer Hamburg [Hamburg Chamber of Commerce], Adolphsplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg

Type of activity: Tied insurance agent in accordance with Section 34d Par. 4 of the GewO [German Industrial Code]

Journalistic and editorial content
The above address applies for the following representatives:

Payments, long-term care, assistive devices, inpatient care, outpatient care
Felicitas Marx (responsible)

Information for corporate customers and information on TK insurance
Karsten Brucker (responsible)

Information technology
Aude Vik (responsible)

Evelyn Falk (responsible)

Brand and marketing
Andreas Bündert (responsible)

Market and Customers, Sales Partner Management
Kay Kuhnen (responsible)

Medical information, care management, German state representations
Daniel Cardinal (responsible)

Politics and communication
Inga Laboga (responsible)

Supervisory Board
Jörg Ide (responsible)

Press office