The contribution calculator - the easy way to determine your personal contribution
The amount of your contribution depends on your personal living situation. Therefore, please use our contribution calculator - the "Beitragsrechner" to determine your TK contribution for receiving our extensive range of benefits and services.
Whether you are an employee, self-employed, or an intern or trainee, your contribution to health and long-term care insurance generally depends on your individual income. The TK-specific additional contribution rate is 1.2 per cent, which is lower than the fixed average specific additional contribution rate of 1.6 per cent. The TK contribution calculator lets you easily calculate your personal estimated monthly contribution for health and long-term care insurance at Techniker Krankenkasse.
Contribution calculatorSample calculation
John Smith is 30 years old and insured with TK. He is permanently employed at a company and is single with no children. His gross income is EUR 4,000 per month. As an employee, he and his employer share the health insurance contribution. Mr Smith pays EUR 408.00 per month to Techniker Krankenkasse for health and long-term care insurance; that amount includes the individual TK-specific additional contribution rate of EUR 24.00.