Well-covered in Germany and abroad
Whether heat stroke, a broken leg or a viral infection - anyone who falls ill on holiday or during a visit to their home country has gone through enough. It’s good to know that you don’t have to deal with insurance issues, too.
With the TK eHealth card, you are not only entitled to the best medical and hospital treatment in Germany, your eHealth card gives you optimal cover in almost all European countries as well. There are also special agreements with some non-European countries that ensure you have access to the best possible care there, too.
How exactly does it work? It’s easy: The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is located on the back of your card. As a rule, doctors can bill us directly through this card. If that is not the case, submit the invoice to us and you will receive a refund. Important: Be sure to keep all documents related to the treatment (such as prescriptions and payment receipts). The invoice should state who was treated, details about the treatment or service provided, and what costs were incurred.
In which cases is the TK eHealth card not valid? Additional insurance is required for long-distance trips. We cannot cover any costs incurred during trips to Africa, America, Australia or Asia. For business trips abroad, your employer is responsible for reimbursing the costs.
In which Countries the TK eHealth card ist valid:
Here is a
list of all countries
where the TK eHealth card is valid.