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A new city, new responsibilities, many decisions - oh, and add in university too: as a young adult, you will experience exciting and interesting times. So it is good to know that everything is going smoothly when it comes to your healthcare. And even better, to have someone there to give you a helping hand even beyond that: with our range of benefits and offerings, such as the digital services in the TK-App and the TK Bonus Plan, you will benefit many times over as a student, intern or trainee - and always at financially attractive terms and conditions.

So many advan­ta­ges: an over­view

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Find out here why Felix is so happy with the benefits, offerings and digital services provided by Techniker Krankenkasse.

More relaxed with the TK-App

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Paperwork and forms?  Annoying, but a necessity. We developed the TK-App to make this necessary evil as painless as possible. For example, you can use it to download your insurance certificate in just a few seconds: Open the app, click - done!

It's a win-win with TK-Fit

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Integrating more movement and exercise into your daily life? With TK-Fit, it's a win-win! Because the fitness programme in the TK-App not only tracks your steps, but also turns them into cash. All you need is a smartphone, the TK-App, and off you go!

Well-covered in Germany and abroad

Mann bei der Ankunft am Flughafen The image is not completely loaded yet. If you want to print this image, stop the printing process and wait until the image has loaded completely, then start the printing process again.

Whether heat stroke, a broken leg or a viral infection - anyone who falls ill on holiday or during a visit to their home country has gone through enough. It’s good to know that you don’t have to deal with insurance issues, too.

You decide which doctor is right for you

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Toothache, a cold or maybe you just want medical advice: if you need a doctor, you choose the one you want. Have you already found your doctor? Perhaps even one who speaks your own language? Then you can make an appointment directly with the doctor’s surgery.

  • Choose your own doctor

TK-Doc - Just what the doctor ordered!

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Whatever your complaint, be it a migraine, a cold, nausea or backache, the last thing you want is to spend ages in the doctor's waiting room. The good news: you no longer have to! With the TK-Doc app you can get expert medical advice about your problem from a doctor from the comfort of your own home.

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Well insured while studying

Starting your studies is an exciting and also challenging time. To help you find your way, we have compiled all the information you need to know on health insurance as a student.