Our specially developed private plans offer additional peace of mind in the event of illness.

More details

Together with TK, Envivas Krankenversicherung AG has developed additional private plans designed to optimally complement your TK insurance cover.

Initial information on insurance mediation

KT-Plus - the daily sick pay allowance for a greater sense of security

If you fall ill, TK supports you with a daily sick pay allowance. This ensures that you remain financially secure. However, statutory sick pay must not exceed a certain limit. An additional daily sick pay allowance protects you from loss of income resulting from the difference between your net income and your sick pay.

Your benefits

  • Envivas pays the agreed daily sick pay allowance for an unlimited period of time.
  • You choose when you start to receive the allowance: from the 43rd day or from the 183rd day of incapacity for work. For the self-employed also from the 22nd day.
  • The agreed daily sick pay allowance is also paid for Sundays and public holidays.
  • The daily sick pay allowance can be adapted in line with changes to your income.
  • Accidents at work and occupational diseases are included in the insurance cover

What is insured?

If you are temporarily unable to work due to illness or accident, you will receive a daily sick pay allowance in the previously agreed amount. Payment begins at the earliest at the end of the qualifying period. The qualifying period is the period from the beginning of the incapacity for work during which you do not yet receive any benefits from supplementary insurance. During this time, your employer is responsible for the continued payment of wages if you are an employee. If you are self-employed, you assume the risk yourself. At the end of the qualifying period, the daily sick pay allowance is paid for each calendar day, including Sundays and public holidays.


The insurance cover extends to Germany. During a stay in another European country, the insured daily sick pay allowance is paid in the event of acute illness or an accident. This is for the duration of a medically necessary stay in a public hospital and after the qualifying period has expired.

Insurable daily sick pay allowance

The minimum limit for the insured daily sick pay allowance is 5 EUR. The maximum insurable daily sick pay allowance is 200 EUR for the self-employed and 100 EUR for employees. For self-employed persons in the first year of their self-employment, the maximum limit for the insurable daily sick pay allowance is 100 EUR.


This is an offer from our cooperation partner, Envivas Krankenversicherung AG. Please note that the basic features and advantages of the products are presented in simplified form on this website. The content and scope of the insurance cover result from the provisions of the KT-Plus plan, the standard terms and conditions of insurance (framework and plan conditions), the insurance policy, insurance application and enquiry as well as other written agreements. The provider and risk carrier for the products described is Envivas Krankenversicherung AG.

Envivas - there for you:

+49 (0) 221 - 27 14 05 70
Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.