Information according to the German Insurance Mediation Regulations [Versicherungsvermittlungsverordnung] 

More details

Together with TK, Envivas Krankenversicherung AG has developed additional private plans designed to optimally complement your TK insurance cover.

Techniker Krankenkasse
Bramfelder Straße 140
22305 Hamburg

Type of activity

In accordance with Section 194 (1a) SGB V (German Social Security Code Book 5), TK mediates private supplementary insurance from Envivas Krankenversicherung AG. TK is registered with the Hamburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce as a tied insurance agent in accordance with Section 34d (7) sentence 1 number 1 of the GewO (German Industrial Code) and entered in the register of intermediaries.

Advice and remuneration

TK offers consultation services in accordance with the statutory requirements as part of the online purchase process at It receives an expense allowance from Envivas Krankenversicherung AG for its mediation activities. The expense allowance is included in the insurance premium and must therefore not be paid separately by you. TK does not receive any further remuneration in connection with mediation.

Registrar and entry in the register of intermediaries

DIHK | Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag e. V.
Breite Straße 29
10178 Berlin
Tel: 0180-600-585-0 (landline rate 0.20 EUR per call; mobile phone prices maximum 0.60 EUR per call)

The entry in the register of intermediaries can be checked under the following registration number: D-U2SS-UFH3Y-54

Disclosure of direct or indirect shareholdings

TK does not hold any direct or indirect shareholdings of more than 10 percent in the voting rights or capital of an insurance company.

No insurance company or parent company of an insurance company has a direct or indirect interest of more than 10 percent in the voting rights or capital of TK.

Arbitration board

In the event of disputes between insurance intermediaries and policyholders, the following arbitration board can be engaged:

OMBUDSMAN Private Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung
Postfach 06 02 22
10052 Berlin
Tel: 0800 2550444 (free from German telephone networks)
Fax: 030 20458931