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List of articles with 30 entries

Calo­ries are a thing of the past - energy density is what counts today. Here's how it works.

Overweight and diet

How does hypo­sen­si­ti­sa­tion help aller­gies?


Diagno­sis, treat­ment and preven­tion


The follo­wing tips may help even allergy suffe­rers feel better throughout the day.

Everyday tips for allergy sufferers

Warming up helps to prevent inju­ries and improve perfor­mance. Give it a go!

Warming up effectively

Stay moti­vated by sche­du­ling your trai­ning times into your daily and weekly routine.


Interval trai­ning is a great way to boost your running. Read on to find out how this works.

Interval training

Fancy going on a bike trip? Discover the best routes near you with these apps.


Cycling is a great sport whatever your age. It is gentle on the joints as up to 80% of your body weight is carried by the saddle.

Healthy endurance training

Are you new to jogging and want to see rapid results? Why not try out our tips and trai­ning plan for begin­ners.

Beginner's guide to jogging

If you want to burn fat effec­tively and get in better shape, you should take these tips to heart.

Overweight and diet

If you want to make it down the slopes safely, you would do well to follow these rules:

Rules for the slopes

A well-planned vegan diet can be healthy and even an effec­tive way to prevent weight gain.

Vegan diet

How can I help myself feel better?


Heart­break is agoni­singly pain­ful. Howe­ver, psycho­lo­gists have tips for dealing with heart­a­che.


Opti­mise time manage­ment and elimi­nate time traps

Time management

Feeling the warm rays on their skin? Sunba­thing is marvell­ous, but the conse­quences can be pain­ful: sunburn.

First aid

A winter hike is the perfect oppor­tu­nity to rech­arge your batte­ries in the long, dark winter months.

Walking in a winterwonderland

Espe­cially in the cold weather, running is an easy way to improve your mental and physical well-being.

Running on cold days

Running in the dark - TK's moti­va­tional coach Andreas Niedrig provides details of what you need to bear in mind below.

Running in the dark

We wanted to find out what really works and also take a closer look at pain medi­ca­tion.

How to treat headaches

Head­a­ches – symptom or illness?

Boost your health

Five reasons why you should ride your bike more often in winter.

Cold? No problem!

True or false? We take a closer look at head­ache myths

Headache myths

Cool down! When we are out of our minds with stress, we can no longer think clearly. These tips will help you keep a cool head.

Come to rest

Feeling and thin­king under stress - Ever­yone reacts differ­ently to stress


Did you already know? Sunscreen or shade are the only ways to protect yourself from sunburn.


What happens in our bodies when we're in love? And why does being in love put us in this wonderful state of bliss? 

Spring fever

HIV is not the only STI with which you can become infected during sex.

Sexually transmitted infections

Vege­ta­rian diet - eat a meat­less and balanced diet

Vegetarian diet