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What does my health insurance cover?

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Outpatient and dental treatment

Outpatient treatment at the doctor or dentist encompasses the  prevention, early recognition and treatment of  disease. You can choose which doctor you want to see, provided he or she is a panel physician licensed by the statutory health insurance scheme. Just present your TK eHealth card. If you consult a "private doctor", you will have to pay the fees yourself. If special examinations are necessary, your family doctor will refer you to a specialist (e.g. a dermatologist or orthopaedist).

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Preventive screening 

Preventive screening facilitates the early recognition and treatment of possible diseases. This improves your chances of being cured and reduces possible health risks. The TK accordingly pays for numerous preventive measures such as regular health checks, cancer screening, and twelve paediatric check-ups covering the period between birth and the age of ten years. 

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Hospital treatment

If you need hospital treatment, your doctor will issue a hospital admission form. In acute cases such as accidents or sudden severe illness, you can also go to hospital without being referred by a doctor. If you are treated in hospital, you will have to pay a personal contribution of ten Euros a day for up to 28 days each calendar year. The hospital will bill you for this amount directly. 

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Your doctor will write a prescription for any medication you require. You can then obtain this medication by handing over the prescription at a pharmacy. However, you will be obliged to pay ten percent of the dispensing price; this will not be less than five Euros or more than ten Euros. Some medications are exempt from this obligation. Over-the-counter medication will only be prescribed at the health insurance provider’s expense in exceptional cases. Unlike in other countries, prescription medicines can only be obtained in pharmacies, not in supermarkets or drugstores. Medication can also be ordered from online pharmacies provided you submit your prescription.

Range of benefits and services

Click here for more information on the wide range of benefits and services.

What does TK health insurance cover?

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Digital Services

No matter where you are or what time it is: with our online services, we are there for you around the clock. So you can deal with your concerns flexibly and easily.

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