Accessibility Statement in Simple Language

Sign Language: Acces­si­bi­lity State­ment

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Level of Compliance with the Requirements

The requirements in connection with accessibility arise from Section 3 (1 - 4) and 4 of BITV [German Act on Accessible Information Technology]. The applicable technical standard is EN 301 549.

Compliance with these requirements was assessed by BIT Design für Barrierefreie Informationstechnik GmbH testing institute during the period from June to September 2021. A further assessment was carried out by Materna Information & Communications SE on behalf of the Federal Monitoring Agency for Accessibility of Information Technology (BFIT) in August 2021. The BIK [barrier-free information and communication initiative] BITV test and BIT including PDF test were used as testing methods. Additional requirements not covered by the BITV test were examined by Materna using internal test procedures.

The assessment found that the website is mostly compliant with the BITV requirements. On the whole, the content can be easily accessed by all user groups and that only a few restrictions make accessibility difficult in certain areas.

The content and structure of the website is currently being optimised on a large scale. The next test is therefore planned for 2025.

Public Area

In the publicly available pages of the website, the content listed below is not yet completely accessible:

  • The content, which is displayed purely graphically, is not fully compatible with the success criterion "Alternative texts for control elements".
  • Not all visual information in the videos is fully consistent with the success criterion "Audio description or media alternative (pre-recorded)".
  • Forms are not fully compliant with the success criteria "Contrasts of graphics and graphical controls are sufficient" and "Current position of focus clear" and "Error identification".
  • The navigation mechanisms within the website are not fully compatible with the success criterion "Consistent navigation".
  • The service centre locator is not fully compliant with the success criterion "Name, role, value accessible ". It is not immediately clear as to how to use the keyboard.
  • The BMI calculator is not fully compliant with the success criterion "Status messages can be programmatically determined".
  • The auto-suggest function within the search is only partially accessible.

Password-protected Area "Meine TK"

In the password-protected service area "Meine TK" [My TK], the content listed below is not yet completely accessible:

  • Individual pages are, at present, not fully compatible with the success criteria "Contrast of texts" and "Words in other languages". Such content is not readily accessible to people with disabilities.
  • Forms and applications are not fully compliant with the success criteria "Labelling of form elements", "Focus order", "Error identification", "Labeling of form elements available", "Name, role, value accessible " and "Status messages". Error messages and dynamically updated content are difficult to handle with the keyboard and screen reader.
  • PDF documents that are created as a summary of form entries do not include structure characteristics and are thus not compatible with the PDF/UA standard.

Planned Improvements

The accessibility problems identified in the assessment were incorporated into the ongoing quality assurance process.

Date of creation and last update of the statement

This statement was created in November 2021 and updated on December 18th, 2024.

Report Accessibility Barriers

Do you want to let us know about existing accessibility barriers or request information about implementing accessibility measures? To provide feedback or for any other information, please reach out to our designated contact persons in the Report Accessibility Barriers  section.

Report Barriers in Simple Language

Sign Language: Report Barriers

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Arbitration Procedure

If a satisfactory solution has not been found even after you gave your feedback to the designated contact person mentioned above, you can turn to the arbitration service as provided for in Section 16 BGG. The purpose of the BGG Arbitration Service is to assist with the out-of-court resolution of disputes between persons with disabilities and public authorities concerning conflicts related to accessibility.

The arbitration procedure is free of charge. Legal counsel is not required.

Further information about the arbitration procedure and the options for filing an application can be found at: (select English as the language). You can contact the service directly at: